Screen System
Green glasshouse curtain system is primarily used inexternal shading and internal heat insulation system, which utilize shading materials to prevent unnecessarysunlight, or to form closed space by using heat insula-tion materials. This can be adjust light, keep cool or pre-serve heat. Screen system which applies gear and gearrack to transform rotational motion of gear motor tolinear motion of rock to realize fold and unfold of theshading system. It is stable and has high drive accuracy. However, due to the length of the rocks and installationmodes, it is not suitable for a distance over 5 meters orlimited field.
A type gear-rack drive shading system is a major drive for largemulti-span internal and external shading systems in greenglasshouse.This system is stable and reliable.

Scope of application: Internal and external glasshouse shadingsystem.
System working principles: in this system, gear motor makes areciprocating movement in a straight line through the driving shaft,and as the rack is connected with a push-pull rod on the supportingroller and through the reciprocating motion of a push-pull rod torealize unfolding and folding.
B type gear rack shading system is the major drive for large scalemulti-span internal and external shading system which is stable andwith low error rate in comparison of the traditional drive.
Scope of application: Internal and external glasshouse shadingsystem.
System working principles: Under the combined action of pullscreen, gear,rack, motor and its fittings, to operate curtain open andclose. These system operate stable and walk accurately withproperty sealability, which is slightly lower than the A type gearsystem.