Greenhouse Accessories
Window System
Green glasshouse window system can be classified as "rack continuous window system" and "railway stag-gered window system". Green glasshouse continuouswindow system is consisted of. Gear model, driveshafts, gear and rack. By reciprocating motion of gearand rack to drive the gear motor to realize window openand close. Railway staggered window system consistsof open window rear motor, drive axis, window support, roller, push rod and support, gear rod joint, etc. Thissystem is primarily used in ventilation window at the topof a Venlo greenhouse, and because the dormer win-dows are opened staggered, air exchange can be moreeasily.
Screen System
Green glasshouse curtain system is primarily used inexternal shading and internal heat insulation system, which utilize shading materials to prevent unnecessarysunlight, or to form closed space by using heat insula-tion materials. This can be adjust light, keep cool or pre-serve heat. Screen system which applies gear and gearrack to transform rotational motion of gear motor tolinear motion of rock to realize fold and unfold of theshading system. It is stable and has high drive accuracy. However, due to the length of the rocks and installationmodes, it is not suitable for a distance over 5 meters orlimited field.
General Accessories
Major parts include joint pipes, pressure spring, film spring, film sink,protect glove, laminated card, brace, U card, clamp fixer, connectingsheet, film line, film, film rod, double card, card, anti-fog film, insectnet, thermal insulating covering, coated fabrics of thermal insulatingcovering, thermal blanket, card holder, slot connecting piece, curtainmotor, double beam greenhouse frame supporting frame, axle, hinge, the utility model relates to a screw anchor wet curtain, fun, automatic curtain rolling machine and special high efficiency tem-perature increasing furnace for glasshouses.
Greenhouse Aluminum Profile
Greenhouse aluminum profile: suitable for small ridgeVenlo and large room; suitable for 8mm or 10mm sunlightsheet,4 to 5mm toughened glass section bar; suitable fora roof angle between 22 to 24 degree. lt has elegant ap-pearance, and has partly been surrounded by aluminummaterial and to ensure it has no deformation and nocracks. Each batch of aluminum has passed strict test toensure that the oxide film is uniform. lt has low compre-hensive cost and save aluminum materials as much as40% .